Category: Uncategorized

  • It is a good idea to do a stainless steel tie

    I don’t suppose about you, although I often wonder how things are made & why. Last week, I was seeing truck tires all over the road, and when it gets hot, the friction of the tire on the sizzling road causes the retreaded tire will literary melt away, but periodically, the tire will catch fire, […]

  • The strong wire ties work great

    My home is full of surprises, even after a year of living here I will find something new. This locale was built by the original owner, who had some deranged ideas about interior design, & even crazier ones about the landscaping. For example, in our central living area, with the attached kitchen & kitchen, there […]

  • What to do for my son’s b day

    For our son’s fortieth birthday, the entire family is going away for a numerous-night stay in upstate NY. My child has regularly wanted to go salmon fishing, & this was her opportunity. She needed a new fishing rod that was heavy enough for him to catch a salmon separate from it breaking the line or […]

  • All sorts of construction supplies

    It’s sort of a long story, however bear with me because it goes anywhere interesting. Our home-based construction supplier was having a difficult time because of some shortages on supplies. This started because of a strike from the local trucker’s union. Local laws were negatively impacting truckers, so they stopped making shipments to our area. […]

  • The rod ties are perfect for that

    The internet offers of information that I wouldn’t have found in encyclopedias or dictionaries. I’m nearing seventy now, & I didn’t suppose I would ever learn how to use cellphones, or laptops, however here I am working from home, thanks to laptops & the internet. It’s enjoyable to suppose that I can just open a […]

  • Need to secure those animals

    I built our first chicken coop when I was twelve years old. My dad helped me out by threatening to kick our butt if I didn’t do it. Dad wasn’t a hands-on type of guy, however she knew how to encourage her adolescents! I appreciate to kid about it, however in her own way Dad […]

  • Iron workers should use stainless steel ties

    My hubby thought I was looking for a new job this week. I was asking him a lot of questions about ironworker wire, form wire, & tie wire coils. When I asked what they used stainless steel ironworker wire for, she was stumped. I went through a myriad of uses the internet suggests, although I […]

  • Upscale double rod wire tie

    I am a trucker. I used to toil for one of the biggest shipping companies in the world, however now I own our own rig & only take freelance jobs. I won’t mention the supplier by name, because they don’t deserve any free publicity! It was a nice locale to work, the spend money was […]

  • What kind of wire form is that?

    People often ask you suppose you’re in our state I have heard girls referred to as tile houses. When I was in our forties, I often got that distinctive nickname, however not any more. Now, I would need a stainless steel form wire to get that distinction. My hubby chuckled when I told him this, […]

  • How to use the wire tie coils

    Do you remember the first time you fell in love? For me it was a girl named Grace, who was as weird from me as could be. The two of us were a real Romeo & Juliet type of couple. The two of us lived across the tracks from one another, metaphorically speaking. She had […]