A new normal

In our town, there is a big shortage of rebar & forming wire, & there has been for several weeks

You can do things the normal way, or you can suppose outside the box. There is nothing wrong with being “normal” in fact that might be the easiest way to get ahead in life. Normal is safe & easy, & people respond to it. The problem for me is that normal is boring, & when you are normal that means you are more or less appreciate everyone else. I don’t want to be appreciate everyone else, because the greatest innovators in history were really not appreciate everyone else. Thinking outside the box can generate new, exciting ideas that honestly change what people suppose of as “normal.” The first woman in our town who got a satellite dish for cable TV was considered a weirdo until 5 years later when there was a dish in every yard. This is why I am driving for fifteen hundred miles to purchase a truckload of forming wire & American made double loop rebar ties. It is a considerable investment of our time & resources, however once I secure this much rebar & forming wire our supplier will have a large leg up over the competition. In our town, there is a big shortage of rebar & forming wire, & there has been for several weeks. I can use these new supplies for our own projects, however it might be more profitable to turn around & resell it all to our rivals. Rebar & wire ties are in such demand right now I can double our money in just a few afternoons, which is tempting!

Zinc coated Wire ties