It entirely sucks when you guess exactly what you want, and someone is intent on selling you something you entirely don’t want. She particularally said she was 12 gauge plastic coated wire tie. Instead of coming out and saying they didn’t have what my wife wanted, the salesman tried to push 16 gauge black annealed bar wire on him, and my wife looked at him and said there was a giant difference between 12 gauge and 16 gauge, and she did not want black annealed bar wire, even if they had it in 12 gauge. The man smiled and said she could show him something different. She had 12 gauge rebar wire ties, however it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted plastic coated wire tie. I knew she was getting aggravated, and I hoped the man would quit pushing, however she wouldn’t. My wife picked up a coil of 16 gauge balck annealed bar wire and tossed it to him. The man went backward and the coil fell on her toes. My wife turned around and made note that the man didn’t get what she wanted either, as the people I was with and I walked out of the store. I felt sorry for the man, even though I hoped she l acquired not to keep pushing things at people that they don’t entirely want, eventually you’re going to make the wrong lady easily aggravated. She is easily lucky my wife wasn’t entirely mad or it could have been much worse. I would hate to see what my wife may have done, if the man had tried to stop him again to sell him something else.